MY TICKER! Started at 315 - Goal is 230!

Monday, October 13, 2008

1st time on a bike in years!

I got to ride my bike on sat around town , and then on Sunday i took it to church, it was a test run. I wanted to take it to work on Monday but no go, i got a flat. Its all good, i plan to get new Rims soon, some D's. But just an update, still going to the gym and eating right, the next 2 months are going to go sloww but are well worth it. Thanks to everyone. Late

Do the Mario, Blamm, Plow!

Smash in ur face! i got my new bike and its pimp. (NEW) Old school beach cruiser type. 26" white walls, cherry red paint, and a lil lock. its boss. I LIKE it. Only 100 bucks at Wallie-mart.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Me at work again!

Just being fat at work and waiting for the day to be over! Im board.

Easy Quick Ab Workout - Beginner!

This easy quick ab workout can be completed in about 10 minutes. It includes three of the best ab exercises, one each target the upper abs, lower abs and obliques. This easy ab workout is designed for the beginner or the more advanced trainer that only has a few minutes to get in a quick ab workout.

The first exercise in this quick easy ab workout is the standard crunch and targets the upper abs. You should do two sets of 10 reps each for this exercise. For each rep, use a 2 counts up, 1 count squeeze, and 2 counts down tempo.

Follow the crunches with leg raises (sometimes called leg lifts) to target your lower abs. Again, you should perform two sets of 10 repetitions, using the same count structure as the crunch for each rep.

The final exercise, oblique crunches (often referred to as side crunches), target your obliques and round out our easy ab workout. Perform two sets of 15 reps each. Again, use the 2-1-2 counting scheme for each rep.

Easy Ab Workout
Exercise Sets Reps
Standard Crunch 2 10
Leg Raise 2 15
Oblique Crunch 2 25

Bad-A, site that i found!

Building-muscle 101

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

2 weeks later. 1st goal met - 300!!!!

Thats right, u hearing it right. It only took me 16 days and i droped 13 pounds, wooot wooot. Now comes the hard part, I have to keep working that much harder, since the next 50 pounds are going to go alil slower then the 1st 15, so hopefully ill be 250 by Christmas, thats my goal. we will see what happens

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Got my Lip Pierced!

I took a trip to Flagstaff , on my 1st weekn that im off from work. It was great, nice and cold, and I had hella great time with friends and family. I been wanting to get my lip done and also put back my plugs in my ears. Now that im super motivated to loose weight, and i feel good about it, I decided to splurge and get it done! Tell me what u think. Also the plugs in my ears wont be put in to later this week, so ill post pics.

Perfect Website I found! Tons of info!

A Quick Metabolism Exercise!

I found a intersting site that goes on about what Mike was telling me. Check it!
------------------------------ ;-> ---------
Below is a sample workout that can be done to help give your metabolism a quick boost so you can burn calories.
  • 1) Perform 30 seconds of hard exercise like running in place.
  • 2) Perform 60 seconds of moderate exercise (casual jog or brisk walk).
  • 3) Repeat this process 5-10 times.
  • 4) Cool down for 3-5 minutes.

Just Remember...

Along with a healthy diet, walking and/or jogging is one of the best stomach exercises you can perform because it raises your metabolism enough to burn excess calories all over your body.

Total body fitness, not just spot toning one area, is the key to a flat stomach. Why not kick start your fitness routine with a nice, fast-paced walk at least 3 times per week? It really is the best exercise, and your stomach will thank you. :)

This is where i found this great information!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Detox - Poopin is what im doing!

Your First Step To A Healthy You

This weekn im going to detox my self and get rid of all the buildup, loose 2-5 pounds, and also feel better on Monday morning. ( Its going to suck )

A healthy colon is essential to good health, which makes colon cleansing, parasite cleansing, and detoxing a must. Everything we eat ends up in our bowels as toxins. As these toxins build up, we end up with various diseases, such as being overweight, constipation and candida. Detox- is specifically designed to help the body rid itself of accumulated waste such as mucous and undigested matter that can become built up in the colon. Eliminating this waste prevents toxins from being absorbed by your body and gives you a sense of increased energy. Some of the other potential benefits of a colon cleansing may include a decrease in gas or bloating, more radiant skin and hair, and an overall trimmer appearance.

14.50, thats whats sup!

Ok well today i hit the gym and i tryed something differant on the treadmill. My goal for October is to do the mile in 10 minutes or less, non stop. Today i tryed a techique that Mike, ( a supervior that is training with Felipe) to told me about and how it will help me loose weight and build my muscles. He told me to walk and then run, walk and then run.Thats it! So i tryed it and , it works, another step in the right direction. Thanks Mike.

The science:

6. Sporting Event Fartlek

The Goal: Fartleks--Swedish for "speed play," are workouts that alternate very fast and slower-paced walking for a great cardiovascular workout.

Thursday, October 2, 2008


When i started the gym, i would walk a mile , everytime i would go. I started easy and after hitting the treadmill for the 1st time in about a year, i walked the mile in 22 minutes. NOT GOOD. my goal is to be able to run the whole mile in less then 10. Yesterday i hit a milestone, i did it in 16:00 flat. not to bad, right? 6 min shaved off since i 1st started going to the gym. Big ups to myself.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

What is the Atkins Diet?

I was asked what the atkins diet is and what im doing!, here is the simple,watered down version.

The Atkins Diet is from a book called Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution by the late Robert C Atkins, MD. Dr. Atkins said the way your body processes the carbohydrates you eat -- not how much fat you eat -- causes you to gain weight.

What will I Eat?

This is a low-carb, high protein diet, so say good-bye to processed, pre-packaged and junk foods (cookies, sodas, etc.) and hello to steaks, burgers, cheese and fish.

How Does it Work?

According to Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution: By reducing your carbohydrate intake to less than 40 grams a day, you will enter a bodily process called ketosis. Ketosis is a state in which your body burns fat as fuel, which the affectes insulin production and prevents more fat from being formed.

What is this Diet Like?

The Atkins Diet consists of the following four stages: induction, ongoing weight loss, pre-maintenance and maintenance. Induction is the first 14 days of the plan, during which Atkins says you can lose up to 15 pounds.

This rapid weight loss is due to limiting your carbs to 20 grams a day. The only carbs you can have are low-carb vegetables like lettuce, broccoli and tomatoes. You are limited to three cups per day.

During the next stage -- ongoing weight loss -- you can increase your carb intake by five grams. You will eventually hit a plateau and have to slack off your carb intake once again.

How Long will I be on It?

Once you enter maintenance, you can't go back to eating carbs with abandon. Dr. Atkins virtually promised that anyone who returns to over-eating high-carb foods like pizza or desserts will gain back the weight lost.

How to Lose 1 to 5 Pounds in 30 Minutes !

Here's How:
  1. Weigh yourself.
  2. Take a water pill, or better yet, eat a bunch of parsley without salt to increase your diuresis.
  3. Soak in an extremely hot bath for 30 minutes. The bath water will cause the excess water from your tissues to seep out. The heat will increase your sweating and water evaporation from your lungs.
  4. Weigh yourself again.
  5. Any pounds lost were from water weight.


  1. Do not limit your intake of liquids (except caffeine and alcohol), even if you are retaining water.
  2. Go easy on the salt if you are retaining water.
  3. Make it a habit to eat plenty of parsley, cucumbers or watermelons if you are retaining water.

Still here!

Just wanting to say that , im still working at it, this is the boaring part till i can get some results showing. im down 4 pounds since i talked to my doc on, Sept 18th.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Ok, well after taken my 1st day off, now im ready to hit it up again, working get under 300 by Oct 10. Today i going ot walk 2 miles and racket ball, thats about it. Its a go!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Days 5 to 14 – Reward Time!

By the end of the first week of your new eating plan, you should start to reap the rewards of low-carb eating. This is the stage where many people begin to experience increased energy, better mental concentration, less compulsive eating, and few or no carb cravings. Some experience it as a “fog lifting” that they didn’t even know was there. Of course, everyone’s experience is variable, and it takes longer with some than others. But if you are someone who is sensitive to carbs, you will probably experience a lot of benefits of this way of eating, and it usually begins around the end of the first week. Congratulate yourself for taking the first steps of a positive change!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Watch out for 'Carb Crash”'

Days 3 to 5 -- Watch out for 'Carb Crash”'

So yeah there is a phenomenon that happens to some people after a few days on a very low-carb diet. I call it carb crash. The theory is that it happens when your body’s glucose reserves (stored in the liver as glycogen) are used up, but your body is not yet used to running on fat and protein. People tend to have symptoms such as feeling shaky or jittery, feeling irritable, feeling fatigued, or just not feeling “right." Although it would go away in a few days, Dr. Atkins didn’t feel people should just put up with this, and neither do I, especially when the cure is so easy -- simply add some high-quality carbs to your diet.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Well, tonight was freaking great. I met with my personal trainer, and he wanted me to do some exercises. He first, made me fill out this sheet of paper that has my name and stats and goals and alot of bs. So i did and when he started reading over it he got to the part that i put , " my sister is a personal trainer". After that he just knew that i was not going to pay him nor was i going to sign up for a personal trainer. I was hallllllllllllarious. But anywho moving on. I started to work out, and his guy had me do all upder body work out. My arms , biceps, chest, back. He told me that i have the body mass to be a body builder, and that i should do weight lifting. UHMMM maybe, only time i will tell. Me and lupe waited for juan carlos but no sho, he must of been to tired. Lupe left and i stayed and did some sit up on a ball. then went to the Sauna. It was a good 2nd day!

Lupe drew me on a paper iPhone!

Shes like a lil picaso, but with out color. She gets down with like that!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

308 negros! You read it right - 308!!!!!!!

Oh helllllllllllz yeah, i cant belive it, one week since my doc told me to cut back, i dropped 2 pounds! BBBBBBBBBBBBACK up. click on it and see. Today was the 1st day that i hit the gym, me and lupe and felipe handle it like champs.It was great. Felipe was getting is workout , wit the personal trainer, and me and lupe hit the racket ball courts for like 30 minutes, then the bike thingy, ( Recumbent Exercise Bikes). Big words, i know! Then i ran for like 40 minutes on the treadmill while lupe hit up the Elliptical machine. It was good, tomorrow i have my personal trainer session. More pics to come. still working on those before and after pics.

Explanation of the 1st week!

Ok so on to the 2nd day. I feel good. ( today is my 1st day that i will be going to the gym, weighing myself). Im excited. But let me give u a run down of what is going to happen the 1st week on the low carb high protein diet. I have been researching online and found articles:

The First Three Days -- Carb Withdrawal

Although I’m not fond of the “food as addiction” analogy, there is something about excessive carbohydrate that does have some characteristics in common with addictions. Those components are carb cravings when we have too much carb in our diets, and a period of discomfort (the reason is unclear) when we cut back. Usually this discomfort takes the form of simply missing high carb foods and thinking about them a lot. Here are some tips for the first three days:

1. Eat lots of fiber and lots of fat. Fat and fiber together produce a high degree of satiety. I highly recommend foods made with flax seeds, as they are high in both fiber and healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Salads with protein (tuna, chicken, etc.) and lots of dressing are another good bet. These foods are acceptable on any low-carb diet, including South Beach, Atkins, and Protein Power.

2. Don’t go hungry! This isn’t like diets you may have been on before where you can expect to go for long periods being hungry. Some people find it’s helpful, especially for the first two weeks, to plan not to go more than 3 hours between meals or snacks.

3. Plan delicious things to eat. Nothing will make you feel more deprived than going on an austerity program when you are trying to make a big change in your eating habits. Investigate the yummiest foods your plan allows.

4. Be good to yourself. You are making a big change and deserve all the pats on the back you can get. Don’t stress yourself out in other ways at this time. Take a bubble bath, take a walk in the woods, ride my beach cruiser -- whatever makes you feel good.

5. Get Support. Find people who are on your side.

6. Drink lots of water. <----- I do that alot, its good

Monday, September 22, 2008

TUNE - bumble or chicken of the sea

Its good for u but its booooooooooty. i had it for my break and heck no. I dont mind it in a salad or something like that, but not by itself. I plan to eat it with a pasta salad, celery, something, but PORK skins are the dizzo.

Day 1, Its Offical

Its on like Donkey Kong. started the day good, good breakfast. Meat eggs and cheese. Protein, Protein, Protein, Protein!! Its a good start, dont u think. After work im going back to Schwinn Bikes shope to get my Cruiser. its goin to bad-a. Found out that Chica-rones are net carbs, so heck yeah. I eat eggs this morning for the 1st time in years, i hate them but there good for u. if i can eat 2 a week then i should be fine. Also my doc suggested that i start eating more fish and chicken, then beef, so i got me some tuna and crackers for lunch and also some chicken salad. I feel good and with everyones support at work, church, and at home, this should be cake. " did I just say cake" lol . pics are coming up today. keep checking for updates, everyday. laters

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Last Day- Cant Wait

Well today, i got home about 9 and then got ready and i went to church. it was pretty good. I went to go get my bike and they didn't have it in stock. so i have to wait till Monday. Tomorrow is going to be a big day, im posting up pics of "Before". Also i get the official start weight. That will tell me then what my goal will be for the end of the month also the end of the year. Wish me luck!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

2 days to go!

i got 2 more days to i start my diet. I have reached my limit, im at 310+ and i made a deal with my self a long time ago that i will never be that big. So im makin some changes and i begin my weight loss this monday, sept 22, 2008: I will post pics, ( before and after) and wieght goals and pics of all the people that are helpin me on this.